Debian 11 on the Tuxedo Aura 15 Gen1 laptop

Buying a laptop from Tuxedo Computers

I upgraded to a laptop from Tuxedo Computers (german page). The nice thing about Tuxedo Computers is that

Also note that Tuxedo Computers are now a KDE patron.

I chose the Tuxedo Aura 15 Gen1 (german page) with an AMD Ryzen 7 4700U CPU and an AMD Radeon RX Vega 7 GPU. I selected the laptop because of

It is recommended when choosing the RAM to use a multi-channel configuration for better performance. Also make sure to order enough RAM because some of it is used by the integrated graphics card. Finally doing parallelized builds on many cores requires more memory.

Note that there also is the Tuxedo Pulse 15 Gen1 which comes with a 8 core 16 threads AMD Ryzen 7 4800H. Also the Tuxedo Aura 15 Gen2 is due to arrive in April and also comes with 16 threads (see Phoronix review).

Here is an in-depth review in German language (and here is a shorter review). Also there is a Youtube video review in English below:

Installing Debian 11

On Reddit I got helpful information from Ferdinand from Tuxedo Computers on how to install Debian 11 on the Aura 15 Gen1. Also see Debian Wiki for some information. Debian is not supported by Tuxedo Computers but it works nonetheless on a Tuxedo Aura 15 Gen1. I followed the following steps (no warranty) to get Debian 11 running:

Installing Tuxedo packages and other packages

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tuxedocomputers.list
# Enter "deb focal main" and save.
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update

Then a few more tweaks:

Finally you can list the installed packages on an old system to install them on the new machine. I.e. you can run the following command on the old machine:

echo aptitude install `aptitude search '!~M ~i' -F '%p'` >

Then you copy the resulting file to the target machine and run

sh ./

